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13 Types of Pollinators You Should Know About (Including Mosquitoes and Lizards!)

One out of every three bites of food we eat is a direct result of pollinators' tireless work. But it's not just bees you should thank. Here are all the surprising types of pollinators to know about.

types of pollinators
Written by
Riley Baker
The world as we know it teems with an intricate, interwoven web of life that constantly surprises us at every turn. One of the most vital players in this delicate balance are the unsung heroes of our ecosystems: pollinators.
These creatures perform a significant task that is largely unseen by most of us. They're the silent workforce behind the scenes, ensuring the continuation of plant species and supporting the food chain. But if you think
and butterflies are the only pollinators out there, you're mistaken. There's a host of other species that benefit our planet—many of which might surprise you.
By becoming more aware of these pollinators, you're taking a step toward understanding, appreciating, and ultimately safeguarding our environment. 

What Are Pollinators and What Do They Do?

types of pollinators
Pollinators are creatures—birds, bees, butterflies, beetles, bats, and many more—that move pollen from the
male anther of a flower to the female stigma
. This act, known as pollination, is the first step in a fascinating process that leads to the production of fruits, seeds, and the next generation of plants. Without them, our plates would look much different, and our world far less colorful. 
But why does this matter, you may ask? Consider this: According to the
, approximately 75% of the world’s flowering plants and about 35% of the world’s food crops depend on animal pollinators to reproduce. This means that without these diligent creatures, our food system and the biodiversity of our planet would be severely compromised.

Why Pollinators Are Important for Our Ecosystems

Pollinators are the linchpin of biodiversity. They play a pivotal role in the lifecycle of a vast majority of the flowering plants on our planet. Without their dedicated work, these plants would simply cease to exist, bringing about a domino effect that would unravel the intricate fabric of life on Earth. 
Consider pollinators as the unsung heroes of our natural environment. Often hidden in plain sight, they diligently perform their tasks, yet their invaluable contribution should not be underestimated: They act as a catalyst for plant reproduction, facilitating the creation of seeds and fruit. They maintain the equilibrium of our ecosystems, bolstering other species reliant on the plant life they help flourish. They contribute significantly to the rich tapestry of our planet's flora, a critical factor in the overall health and breathtaking beauty of our world.
Despite their critical role, pollinators are often overlooked and underappreciated. It's easy to forget that approximately
one out of every three bites
of food we eat is a direct result of pollinators' tireless work. More than this, pollinators indirectly contribute to the production of major economic goods such as coffee, cocoa, and a myriad of fruits and vegetables.
So, next time you sip your morning coffee or savor a sweet piece of fruit, take a moment to appreciate the complex chain of events that led to their existence. The role of pollinators in this process is significant and irreplaceable. Here are some types of pollinators (many of them surprising!) that you should know about.

13 Pollinators You Should Know About

types of pollinators
The world of pollinators is more diverse than you might think. Yes, a large proportion of pollination is attributed to the tireless work of bees, but they're far from the only players in this vital ecological process.

1. Bees 

Bees are the quintessential pollinators and come in an astounding variety of species—learn the
types of bees
here. They collect pollen to feed their offspring, inadvertently transferring it from flower to flower in the process. 

2. Butterflies 

Butterflies—those delicate, winged beauties we often admire floating around our gardens—play a crucial role in the pollination process. Their long, straw-like tongues, known technically as a "proboscis," are uniquely adapted to feed from and, therefore, pollinate certain types of flowers.

3. Moths 

nocturnal pollinators
are a thing—and moths are just one of them. Their fuzzy bodies are excellent at collecting and distributing pollen as they flit from flower to flower in the moonlight, playing their part in the grand cycle of life.

4. Wasps 

Can you believe that these oft-misunderstood creatures serve as valuable players in maintaining the health and vibrancy of our ecosystems? Aside from helping pollinate a variety of flowers,
also have a unique relationship with fig plants. In fact, wasps are the exclusive pollinators of nearly
1,000 species of figs

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5. Flies 

While not as glamorous as bees or butterflies, flies are important pollinators. They just do things a little... differently.
Texas Wildlife Association
says “flies are attracted to things that smell bad like garbage and dead animals, so fly-pollinated flowers produce a bad odor like rotting meat." According to
Smithsonian Magazine
, mango growers even encourage flies to pollinate their orchards by luring them with roadkill. They're attracted to the bait, and inadvertently pollinate flowers while they're there.

6. Hummingbirds

are some of the prettiest pollinators. These tiny, vibrant creatures play a crucial role in plant reproduction as they fly from flower to flower in search of nectar. Their long, slender bills are perfectly adapted for reaching into deep blossoms, and their specialized tongues can rapidly lap up the sweet reward. As they feed, they inadvertently transfer pollen from one flower to another, facilitating cross-pollination and aiding in the creation of new seeds.

7. Bats 

, often overlooked in the pollinator realm, are extraordinary agents of pollination. Under the cover of darkness, these nocturnal creatures take to the skies in search of nectar-rich flowers. Bats are
vital pollinators for agave
, as they visit the plant's tall flowering stalks to feed on the copious amounts of nectar it offers. Additionally, various cacti species depend on bats for pollination, including the iconic
saguaro cactus

8. Beetles 

Beetles were among the first pollinators, and many plants have evolved specifically to attract them. But there's a catch. As they go about their pollen-spread duties, beetles have a tendency to nibble on the petals of the flowers they visit, causing some level of destruction. It's a classic example of the phrase, "You win some, you lose some."

9. Ants 

Ants transfer pollen between flowers as they forage for food, contributing to the reproduction of various plant species. However, some ants can also be "nectar robbers," accessing nectar without aiding in pollination, which can negatively impact certain plants' reproductive success.
According to the
U.S. Forest Service
, certain flowers are more likely to be pollinated by ants—in North America, that's low-growing options like Small's stonecrop, alpine nailwort, and Cascade knotweed. 

10. Lizards 

Lizards are not commonly thought of as pollinators, but some species of lizards have been observed pollinating flowers. In 2019, researchers
that sweet-toothed Drakensberg crag lizards were responsible for pollinating the flowers of the Guthriea capensis plant. The lizards were attracted to the sweet nectar produced by the flowers, and in the process of feeding, they transferred pollen from one flower to another. Cool, huh?

11. Mice 

Who would have thought that these seemingly pesky rodents could serve such a vital function in nature? Some species of mice, such as the
Namaqua rock mouse
, have been observed being sneaky pollinators.
"Nectar is a snack—sticky, in this case—for the mice, such as chocolate for us,"
Petra Wester, who captured a photo of the rodent eating nectar of the Pagoda Lily. While mice may not be as efficient as other pollinators, their role in pollination should not be overlooked.

12. Fireflies 

These tiny, luminescent beetles are more than just a beautiful sight on a summer night. As fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, make their journey from flower to flower, they're also doing their bit in the pollination process. Like bees, fireflies are attracted to the nectar of flowers. In their pursuit of this sweet treat, they end up unintentionally moving pollen from stamen to stigma. And just like that, a new plant life is born.

13. Mosquitoes

Usually detested as annoying pests, mosquitoes might just surprise you as they, too, play a vital role in pollination. While female mosquitoes are notorious for their blood-sucking habits—necessary for their reproduction—both male and female mosquitoes primarily sustain themselves on nectar.
That's right, these tiny creatures are as much nectar lovers as they are blood-thirsty. As they fly from flower to flower indulging their sweet tooth, they unintentionally become agents of plant reproduction, carrying pollen from one bloom to another.