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3 Surprising Ways Wasps Benefit the Environment

Wasps are typically seen as the 'bad guys' of the animal kingdom, but they're actually planet-protectors in disguise. Here are three ways wasps benefit the environment.

benefits of wasps
Written by
Riley Baker
Every species
, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, plays a vital role in the ecosystem. Among these fascinating creatures are wasps—aka the "bad guys" of the animal kingdom.
While wasps are often seen as villains due to their painful sting, they offer an array of benefits that contribute to the overall health and balance of the environment. So before swatting them away, take a look at the hidden value they hold.

3 Important Benefits of Wasps

benefits of wasps

1. Pest Control

Listen up,
. As
, wasps are great at controlling populations of insects that can be nuisances to your crops—think flies, caterpillars, grasshoppers, aphids, cicadas, and more. By stopping these insects from gobbling up your crops, wasps reduce crop damage and minimize the need for harmful pesticides.

2. Pollination

aren't the only pollinators to be aware of. Wasps enjoy feeding on nectar, too—and as they visit flowers in search of the sugary treat, they become sneaky
, transferring pollen from plant to plant. This supports the reproduction of numerous plant species, enriching biodiversity and maintaining vibrant ecosystems.

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3. Soil Aeration

Some wasps, particularly the digger wasps, dig tunnels in the soil as nests for their young. As they excavate, they inadvertently aerate the soil, promoting better water absorption and root growth for plants. This soil aeration process facilitates nutrient distribution and contributes to the overall health of the ecosystem.

What to Do If You Find a Wasp Nest

There's currently a
viral video
making the rounds of someone getting rid of a wasp nest on their home by smothering the wasps in a cup of gasoline. According to
Texas A&M
, this isn't just dangerous—it also creates a major fire hazard.
If the wasp nest is in an area that's not bothering you, leave it alone and let the wasps do their thing. If it's somewhere that's causing problems (like on your front porch where there's a lot of foot traffic), hire a specialist to relocate the nest to another area that won't cause issues.