You don’t have to shell out a lot of money to get in touch with nature and local wildlife. Doing so could be as easy as making a DIY bird feeder out of food scraps.
Kate of @my_plastic_free_home shared her experience making an orange peel bird feeder using half the orange and some string. Not only will the DIY feeder attract beautiful birds to your yard for viewing, but it can also result in better pest control, a healthier landscape, and weed control.
“We’ve been getting crafty with the oranges and made some lovely natural bird feeders to keep our feathered friends happy,” says Kate. “If it’s rainy weather where you are, just pop a hole in the bottom of the orange so rainwater can drain out.”
After assembling your orange peel bird feeder, the next step is buying the right bird seed. First, do a quick Google search to get to know the bird species in your area. Then, head to a local shop to pick up the right food. After filling up your orange peel bird feeder, you’ll be able to enjoy meeting all the neighborhood birdies as they stop for a quick bite to eat.
If this orange peel bird feeder DIY is something you want to try out for yourself, continue reading below for step-by-step instructions.
How to DIY an Orange Peel Bird Feeder
What You’ll Need:
Orange peel
Metal straw (or another long, thin object, such as a chopstick, pen, or pencil)
Bird seed
1. Cut the orange in half and carefully scoop out the fruit to eat later.
2. Using a knife, cut four slits into one half of the citrus. The slits should be across from each other on each side, in a “T” shape. (You can also do this with two slits and two pieces of string, although it won’t be as sturdy.)
3. Once you’re done making your slits, cut four pieces of twine. They should all be the same length—long enough to hang the bird feeder from a hook.
4. To begin building the feeder, take one piece of your twine and set it on top on one of the slits you made earlier. Using your straw (or other thin object) poke the straw into one of the slits, pushing the twine through the punctures you made with the knife. Repeat this step for each of the four slits.
5. To secure the twine, tie each piece so it rests against the citrus. It should be positioned like a bowl, skin down.
6 Fill your citrus peel with bird seed, then hang it up for the birds to enjoy.
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